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Indeed, 71% of monthly active users on Instagram are under 35 years old.

There are also more and more adolescents.

That’s why Instagram has become a gold mine for brands and businesses that reach out to this target.

Moreover, the latter are also more and more numerous on this social network.

Whether it's presenting a delicious meal, a nice car or an amazing office gadget, Instagram is a very effective social platform for reaching out to consumers and showing them your product and / or service offering.

As an entrepreneur, it is worth asking yourself this question:

How to get followers on Instagram?

And most importantly, how can you help you grow your business?

Here are 7 tips that Emeric Janvier, Relationship Manager at instaBoSS, reveals to you to get more Instagram followers and develop your Digital Marketing strategy on this platform.

1. Promote your Instagram on your other networks

Most of the users are on several different social networks.

It is therefore important to inform your Facebook fans, Twitter ... when you create your Instagram account.

If they like your content, they'll probably add you.

It's a great way to get Instagram followers quickly when you're starting out.

Also, it gives you different mediums to send them your posts.

But beyond that, linking your professional Instagram account to your different networks allows you to always share your Instagram posts simultaneously on your other platforms, you can use a tool to automate instagram posts.

This way, you give your users a taste of what they can expect to find on your Instagram account.

And to even more engage your community of other platforms to follow you on Instagram and thus have more Instagram followers, post exclusive content or organize a contest on your Instagram account.

This type of post usually gets a much higher engagement rate and gets a good number of followers.

2. Gain subscribers through hashtags

How to get a lot of followers on Instagram, without using the famous hashtags?

It is very difficult, you have to use them to grow your account faster.

Instagram is based on hashtags, like LinkedIn, to define the most relevant content.

Using the right hashtags at the right time therefore makes your posts much easier to discover.

Of course, you should always check the meaning of a hashtag before using it, and ensure that you only use hashtags that match your account identity, industry or post.

To choose your hashtags well, do not hesitate to be inspired by

Competitor or similar accounts,Publications dealing with the same subjects,And vary the hashtags you use throughout your posts.It is also recommended that you do not use only the most popular hashtags.

Instead, focus on targeted and specific hashtags based on your industry and target.

3. Interact with your community

Instagram is even more focused on interactions between accounts than other social networks.

To gain followers and grow your business on Instagram, you need to be there on a regular and relevant basis.

To do this, interact with:

Your subscribers,The posts of the hashtags you use,Accounts similar to yours or your industry.The fastest way to skyrocket your subscriber numbers is to engage with your competitors' subscribers first.

In general, the more local your business, the more efficient it is.

Engage in a direct dialogue with their followers by following them, liking their photo, and leaving a comment.

And it can even be repeated for several days until you receive a response.

If you interact with all of these people, your account is quickly seen by Instagram and the algorithm guesses who to promote your content to.

If you don't have (or little) time to devote to managing your social media, you can always hire an Instagram automation tool to perform these targeted interactions for you.

This makes it easier for you to get Instagram followers and grow your business without spending too much time on it.

Last modified 26 Oct 2020 10:14 AM by Laurie R.  
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