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Cycling For Dummies

CYFD 4843

Orange Coast College


State Cyclist

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Course Description is your go-to place for all things cycle. Our passion lies in building a community of cyclists where we bring you any kind of information, reviews, insights, or stories related to riding. Whether you ride for the occasional fun stroll around the neighborhood, for keeping yourself fit, or for the aim to be a professional cyclist, we’ve got you covered. We go at lengths to let you know everything you need to know about cycling. You can find collections of the best bikes to look out for from in-dept reviews, find new and exciting places to go riding on, learn different tips and tricks on how to enhance your current setup or just get updates on what’s new and exciting in the amazing world of cycling. Our team goes at lengths to ensure that we get details about every story. We then get some of the best photographers to give life to the story with their stunning imagery. What it results in is nothing short of a celebration of the life, the gear, the cyclists and the stories that make pedaling so great. hopes that you can have as much fun being a part of our community as you do when you ride. If you have any queries or thoughts to share, head over to our Contact us page for details on getting in touch with us.

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  4. Announce the URL to your students and have them register (your course directory will be created automatically).
Last modified 27 Sep 2020 11:44 AM by State C.