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How To Clean Induction Cooktop

HTCI 5673

Colorado Mountain College


Jasmine Elmanof


Highlights of this Course

1-Using vinegar to clean induction cooktop2-How do you clean a lemon induction hob?3- How to clean/vacuum a specialist induction hob?


Course Description

Would you like to know how to leave your induction cooktop unscratched and magically clean of any spills? Would you enjoy making your kitchen clean after cooking and free of debris or grease? We 're telling you some tricks to make your kitchen shine and be totally clean.1- How do you clean a lemon induction hob?2- How to use vinegar to disinfect the induction hob?3- How to vacuum a specialist induction hob?

An induction hob/ induction cooktops is an item commonly used in a home, we use it every day and sometimes more than three times. Therefore, its care and cleaning must be constant if we want it to last, work properly and after cooking have no residue.

We should also bear in mind that this sort of cooktop surface typically has to withstand blows, splashes, chafing, high temperatures, etc. from its continued use. That's why they have to be properly cared for and washed to ensure this kitchen appliance has a long lifespan.

The solution is swift and very quick. This also refers to every style and type of hob for the induction. Mind, we'll tell you all so your induction hob will last years and years!

1- How do you clean a lemon induction hob?

Some of the best solutions that we can do with only some cloth and a touch of lemon. Rub any drops of lemon over the accumulated stains on your induction hob.We'll have to let the lemon work for some time to soften the spots and make it easier to extract them.Then, we may scrape the remains with a damp cloth and leave our plate fully clean. We may also use a special product for the plate cleaning to achieve a flawless finish.

2- How to use vinegar to disinfect the induction hob?

Another very easy and efficient way to clean up our plate is to use a little vinegar. We will have to heat the vinegar and pour it on the stained areas to get it to be totally successful. We will then let it rest, and then scrape the dirt with a rag. You'll see how the dirt is extracted without problems in a moment. If there are still other remains present you can remove every and every one of the stains with a scraper.

3- Other Cleaning Techniques?If you don't want to use home remedies, and all you want is a specific product for your plate, don't worry, you'll just need to add a liquid layer and let it work for about ten minutes. You can then remove the dirt with a cloth and scrub certain areas with the scraper that are not cleaning well enough.There's a substance that works very well for cleaning plates or glass ceramics, known as the green stone. Don't be afraid of its tag, because it won't stain or damage your kitchen table.

If you wish to keep your induction burner clean and scratch-free, stick to these guidelines. Stop the use of dishwasher, sponges which can scrape the surface and abrasive materials which can weaken it at all costs.

Now you are familiar with the best ways to keep your induction stovetop clean, follow these steps and prolong its life.


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Last modified 25 Jul 2020 9:16 AM by Jasmine E.  
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