Yesterday I met my friend for lunch and ran a few errands before returning home. I chose an off the wall route to get home, one I had never tried before. I stopped for gas and continued on to my road. I live on a state route and it can be quite busy at times with cars and trucks whizzing by well over the speed limit. I get no more than 2 miles away from my house and I see a little black lab darting out into the road. The truck coming the opposite direction slams on his brakes to avoid him and he darts back off the road, the truck moves on. Then a second vehicle, same story. I then have to do the same as the terrified little guy darts back out in front of me. I roll down my window and ask the man that is replacing his mailbox if the dog is his. He says no, it just got dropped off. WTF!!!! I pull the car over and get out. I ask the guy if he is serious and he tells me not more than 3 minutes before a man in a truck slows down, opens the door and tosses the black lab out. He then proceeds to speed off and leave him there before the mailbox guy could get the license plate number. At this point I see RED! I cant believe someone would be so callous and cruel… not to mention STUPID! He dumped the dog in the middle of the day, in front of someone on a busy road! Click for more. At that point I decide I am going to catch the dog before he gets hit and killed. We chase him down and i get down on his level and sweet talk him over to me. He gussys up to to me and sniffs me and immediately rolls on his back for a belly rub. He is just too sweet. The mailbox guy hands me a leash and I put him in my car and took him home. I had no idea what I was going to do with him because he was un-neutered. I introduced him to Hera to temperament test him and they were best of friends with in 30 seconds. He was good with my son and just adored him. At that point… I took him to the dog shelter, told them what I had seen and had them scan him for a microchip (hoping we’d find out who dumped him) - which of course he didn’t have. I left him at the pound which made me so sad. But the Franklin County Shelter will give him his best chance at being adopted. They are VERY lab friendly and he will have as much time as he needs to be adopted with such a great temperament. When I left him, I told them when his medicals were done and he was neutered I would foster him for them. Now I just wait for a call… but he is a fab dog and should have no trouble finding a home there. |
Last modified 18 Jun 2020 7:34 PM by kristen m. | ||||||