Cichlids, like other fish species, are quite easy to care for once you get them in the aquarium. However, it is important to note that in order to properly care for your cichlids you will need to learn some basic information about cichlids care, but for this article, I will not discuss the basics in more detail.
In this article, I will only cover the necessary things that you should know about cichlids when you decide to get a new cichlid. If you are interested in learning more about these fish, the first thing that you will want to do is visit an online pet store. There are many pet stores that sell different types of fishes. You can learn more about African Cichlids and by checking out their books they will be able to give you the information that you will need to know.
The second most important cichlid care you should know is what kind of food you should feed your cichlids. Contrary to popular belief, some fish species do not require different kinds of food. As long as they have enough protein in their diet, they will be fine. But with a few exceptions, like for example catfish or rainbowfish.
If you wish to give your fish a fish food diet that has more than 5% protein, you will want to give them a diet that is high in protein from a saltwater fish tank, for example. Cichlids can also eat vegetables or other items that can be prepared from seeds, such as capsicum, but even these should be low in protein.
Most people think that fish like pike are poor feeders, but this is not true. Some pike does not require the protein that pike require, but they can definitely survive on an algae-eating diet. Some types of pike do eat algae, but they are slow at the beginning of the day and so their diet will consist of mostly snails alone, which is actually more balanced. I have even seen the odd pike getting by on just algae.
Many fish prefer to eat invertebrates like shrimp and worms, but the majority of cichlids require higher protein foods in order to grow properly. The main reason for this is that the cichlids' main prey sources are insects and molluscs, which are a lot higher in protein. By choosing a diet that does not contain high levels of protein, you can help your cichlids live longer.
Having said that, remember that your filtration system is going to play a big part in your cichlid care. You need to have a filtration system that is capable of filtering out very large particles, especially the larger ones like dust and sand. Some people choose to use pump-based systems, but these are also less effective. It is better to use a granular media filter if you want to keep your cichlids clean.
You will also need to avoid using chemicals, both in the aquarium and in the water. There are many types of chemicals that can potentially harm your cichlids. If you want to avoid using chemical products, make sure that you remove all of them from the water before you introduce your fish into the aquarium.
Cichlids are also sensitive to chlorine. If you keep your water chlorinated, you will definitely need to add a partial saltwater solution for them to thrive. You can also buy some kits for your filters that you can put in your cichlid tank.
It is also important to note that your filtration system is not a cure-all for all of your cichlids' problems. One of the problems that you will find is that they will have a hard time digesting the food that you are putting in. If you are not feeding them enough food, they will starve and you will lose a lot of healthy fish stock.
If you notice that your cichlids are having health problems, do not panic. Just be patient. the cichlids are not known for being hard to care for and you can re-establish a healthy relationship with them if you just take the time to educate yourself.