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Vocational Agricultural Education

VAEG 111

George Mason University


Ashley Graham


Highlights of this Course

1. Formal training2. certificate awarded3. Prepares learners for work4. Learn at will


Course Description

Vocational and technical education a form of professional education , which has the aim of training skilled workers for the industries of the national economy in professonalno - technical educational institutions ; the totality of systematized knowledge , abilities and skills that allow qualified to carry out work in a particular working profession , specialty ; in socialist Countries P .- t . about . - an organic part of the system of national education ( See . The National Education ). In slave society, professional skills and skills were passed in the course of labor activity . In feudal society , in the conditions of differentiation and specialization of craft labor , the need arose for training craft through specially organized individual apprenticeships . The growth of large-scale machine production in the era Capitalism has caused the creation of vocational - technical schools of various levels and the profile ( with the preservation of apprenticeship ), in which the children of the workers are not only trained in the practical application of the various instruments of production , but , and got acquainted with its technology . As an independent stage of professional education , the P system.- t . about . beginning to form in the developed capitalist countries of Europe in the 2 - nd half of the 19 in ,. and in the US - after the 1 - st World War in 1914 - 18 ( when sharply reduced supply of qualified labor force from Europe ).


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Last modified 26 Nov 2019 3:34 PM by Ashley G.  
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