Create a simple response file for a silent install of Cognos Analytics on Linux
[ Music ]. In this video, we will create a simple response: file for single-mode, silent installations on linux, use an unattended or silent installation and configuration to do the following: install identical configurations across several servers on your network. Automate installation eliminate the need for ex windows or a mouse shorten the time to install and to make uninstalled easier. The Cognos Analytics version 11 installer has been substantially changed from Cognos 10. It now includes complex response file templates and has greater installation options in this video I'll show you how you can create a simple response: file for a single node, Cognos analytics version 11 server as easily as creating a response file for Cognos 10 in the simple response Dot properties file. We can see that there are some paired entries requiring you to set only one or the other to activate. For example, installing bi server tools would require changing the zero to a one. Also the bi server custom entries are paired. If this is the first note to be installed, you would need to install the content store.
In this case, you had set the one for bi server. Custom first set the user install directory to the path you wish to install the software to set the BI server features depending on your requirements. Here is a simple response properties file. As displayed at the console you, here's the install command and install options. F is used to specify the directory of the response file. I is used for changing the mode to silent. At this point. We have our response file and the binary file to perform the installation. We will verify that Cognos analytics is not already installed the default directory. We will now run the installer using the F option to specify our response file and also the I silence option after pressing enter the prompt may not return for some time as the software quietly installs. For this video we've shortened the wait time. Finally, we can confirm the command results if the result shows a value other than zero check the log files for further information on the result. These are the paths for the error logs. After all, errors have been resolved. You can set up and use Cognos configuration the same way you did with Cognos aid or Cognos 10. Thank you for watching. Please subscribe to the channel and find more great videos at WWII MBAs solving problems.