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As I’ve mentioned in my other reviews of the best steam generator irons, there really aren’t a lot of cons, unless of course you buy the cheaper, low quality models. Since I haven’t reviewed any of those, I, for the most part, only have great things to say about steam generator irons in general.

As far as the Telal Pro Express GV8360 goes, here are a few things you may want to watch out for. Please note the most of these will be the same issues other steam generator irons have, so in the long run it may just come down to your personal preference when buying your iron.

This needs to be expressed strongly. These irons – all steam generator irons – are gargantuan. I posted the dimensions in the specifications section, but here they are again: 29H x 26W x 50L. Make sure you are comfortable working with something that size before you make a purchase. But believe me, the results and benefits you get from these irons far out way their unwieldy size.

The water tank holds 1.8 litres of water, which weighs approximately 1.8 kg. Add that to the weight of the iron and tank itself, you are talking about 6.5 kg. Know your strength before you buy one of these! Of course, you are not holding the iron in the air while in use, you are just pushing it back and forth over the ironing board, so its weight is more of an issue when it’s in transport around your home, not when it’s in use.

One reviewer on complained that the iron was a “beast” which is true – but then goes on to say that they disliked the iron because it wasn’t “chic.” Um, okay. So if it’s important to you that your iron is chic, keep that in mind. If the actual job this steam generator is capable of is more important to you, I’m fairly sure you’ll ignore that complaint!

In line with the size and weight of this steam generator, you need to make sure your present ironing board is up to the task. If your ironing board is old and wobbly, you’ll need to get a newer, sturdier one. And remember, this iron is 50 cm long. How wide is your current ironing board? Will your new steam generator iron fit?





Last modified 18 Sep 2019 1:19 PM by Mark S.  
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