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How to successfully start learning Norwegian?

NORG 0011

Valmarine Marine Academy


Hildur Gudfar


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How to learn Norwegian effectively? 7 practical tips

We would like to share with you a few tips on how to learn a foreign language easily, quickly and with great pleasure. There is probably no one who wants to learn in a long and tedious way. Isn't that right? :)

First you need to understand that EVERYONE can learn ALL the language of BELIEVING. You are reading this text, which is in Polish, and it is already a proof that you can learn one more language. Read the tips below and you will not even notice how quickly you will impress others with your knowledge of Norwegian.

Avoid grammarWhen we undertake new activities, e.g. work, hobbies or learning, we want to understand everything as soon as possible. We also do the same when we learn a foreign language - from the first minute we want to know why the word is written in the same way, and so on. In no case does this mean that you do not need to learn grammar. Grammar rules are needed, but we can learn them later, with time. You can see that in our first free lessons the teacher doesn't talk much about grammar. First of all, you have to listen and repeat!

ListenGet your hearing used to the Norwegian language that you have decided to learn. Try to hear this language as often as possible: listen to different radio programs, music, etc. In this way you will get used to the sound of the Norwegian language and will be able to understand it more easily.

Watch moviesWatching films in their original language helps you learn new words. Try watching films with subtitles or, if the original language is Norwegian/English/German - or another language - choose Polish subtitles. The subtitles will help you understand what the actor is saying. But that's not all: watching a film in its original language version will introduce you to the culture of the country.

4. be practicalTake every opportunity to put your language skills into practice. For example, if you want to learn numbers, go to the store. When you put three apples in the basket, say the number loudly, of course, in the language you are learning. Do you want to learn the names of the months and days of the week? Plan your calendar in Norwegian :)

A friend to learnDo your best friends, or maybe your mother, dream about learning Norwegian? Tell them how to say hello, how to ask, what time it is, or how it counts for ten. Learn together, because it is not only great fun, but also very useful. By interacting with each other and sharing knowledge we will learn to pronounce correctly.

6. play on wordsI think that each of us at least once promised to learn ten new words every day, but we all know what it ends with :) The problem is that motivation and determination are enough for at most two weeks. Why is it so? First of all, it's boring, and secondly - after some time we don't remember even half of the words. Why? Because we don't use them regularly. We remember those words best, which we constantly remember. So take a pile of stickers and name the items in your home or office in the language of your choice.

7) Record your pronunciationTo know a word is one thing and to be able to pronounce it correctly is quite another. Most often we pronounce words incorrectly when we do not hear ourselves, i.e. we do not hear how we pronounce something. Record yourself and listen to the recorded words to see if you are pronouncing them correctly. Your mobile phone may be useful for this.

Start learning Norwegian now! Visit Norwegian123 Free Learning Blog


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Last modified 7 Aug 2019 9:58 PM by Hildur G.  
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