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dazzlers harmony necklace

Harmony Necklace | e-Commerce

hnec 7513

Indiana Tech


mike smith


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Harmony Necklace: Shop the Largest range of Quality Harmony Necklaces available & enjoy the benefits of wearing a Harmony Ball Necklace during pregnancy. This article describes what a harmony ball is, it's history and its benefits.

A Harmony Ball is a chime pendant worn as a Harmony Necklace, a lovely piece of jewelry, originating from Bali in Indonesia, and often worn as a pregnancy necklace low over the bump.

As the name implies a Harmony Necklace, or Pregnancy Necklace, can bring a sense of calm and harmony to the wearer as the pendant emits a soft but just audible chime sound with movement, creating a relaxing effect in a similar way that the sound of a rippling brook or small waves gently lapping the shore is relaxing. A harmony Ball is also known in Mexico as a Bola (Spanish for Ball) or Bola Necklace or Angel Caller. Some harmony ball pendants are also adorned with gemstones so an expectant mother could wear her chiming harmony ball as a Birthstone Harmony Necklace when matching a gemstone to the expected birth month of her child, making her pregnancy necklace even more personal and significant.

Pregnancy Harmony Necklace

Aside from bringing a sense of calm and harmony to the wearer, the Harmony Ball (Bola) has been worn for centuries by pregnant women in Balinese and Mayan cultures for the calming effect it can have on the unborn baby in the womb. Unfortunately this is where western society’s interpretation of the benefits of a harmony ball stops, the ‘during pregnancy’ phase. This doesn’t make a lot of sense really – does the unborn baby in the warmth and comfort of the womb really need 'calming'? I think not, there is no reason for the baby to be stressed inside the womb. Stresses in life begin after we are born, right.

So if this is the case then what is the real benefit of wearing a harmony necklace during pregnancy? Why have women in Balinese and Mayan cultures been wearing these chime pendants for centuries?


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Last modified 5 Oct 2019 10:10 PM by mike s.  
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