
The Pentateuch (3)credit hrs.

Course Description

During this course students will journey through an in-depth study of the Law Books (1st five books of the Bible) known as the Torah.

Course Requirements:

Listen to the Lectures and take notes.Read all assigned chapters in the textbook and Bible Students prepare for quizzes at the end of assigned chapters.Students prepare for Mid-term and Final exams.Any written assignment must be typed and double-spaced.


Handbook on the Pentateuch -by Victor P. Hamilton

Course Schedule

Students will receive a hard copy of syllabus emailed to them

Final Grades

Your final grade in the course is based upon Assignment, quizzes and mid-term 50% + Group participation when assigned 20% (online & classroom) + Final Exam 30%

Final Grades will be assigned using the following scale:

Grading Scale:

90% - 100% of total points A


80% - 89% of total points B


70% - 79% of total points C


67% - 69% of total points D


Below 60% of total points F
Last modified 29 Mar 2012 2:26 PM by Kenneth B.