Course Description (3) credit hrs.
This course begins by considering how man comes to know God and continues to explore the revelation of God to man through Scripture, the works of God, man and his sin, salvation, and the end things. Based on the definitions studied in Bible Doctrine, the relationship of doctrines to each other is treated here. The doctrines are studied to show how one doctrine gives rise to another.
Book Reports will be required typed and double-spaced:
- Theology
- Bibliology
- Angelogy
- Anthropology
- Lectures in Systematic Theology by Henry C. Thiessen
- What Is Christian Doctrine Vol. 1 -by John P. Newport
- The Bible"'
- Hard copy of the Class Syllabus will be emailed to Student(s)
- Your final grade in the course is based upon the following.
- Final Grades will be assigned using the following scale: Class assignments 30% Essays 30% + Quizzes & Final Exam 40%
Grading Scale:
97% -
100% of total points
90% -
93% of total points
80% -
89% of total points
70% -
79% of total points
60% -
69% of total points
59% of total points