
Course Goals


Course Goals

There are five primary goals for this course:

  • First goal -- Students are expected to have the ability and skill in writing using general forms in English language: transforming active into passive sentences, writing about finished activities in a descriptive manner.
  • Second goal -- Students possess the ability and skill in speaking by making suggestions, expressing oppinions, expressing likes and dislikes in a concise manner.
  • Third goal -- Students possess the ability and skill in listening to English words through song appreciation, understanding news and movies
  • Fourth goal--Students are able to get involved in an English conversation
  • Fifth goal- Students are able to comprehend and have a better cross-cultural understanding as they prepare to enter the professional world when deepening the dos and don'ts in the English culture.


  1. Snow, Don, More Than a Native Speaker. Virginia: TESOL, 2006.
  2. Murphy, Raymond, Grammar in Use: Intermediate. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
  3. Dormer, Jan, English for Life. Unpublished manuscript, 2010.

Course Work

This course revolves around a series of UNITS.

We will cover a total of 15 units -- each of which is followed by in-class exercises to enhance your level of understanding.

English 3 Course Content: As prepared by Rory and David Hoipkemier

  1. Introductions, placement testing. Sub-topics : Teacher and student introductions, Class orientation. Strategy: small group interviews and games, Placement testing.
  2. Geography, Grammar: Unit 1-4: Present continuous and simple present, Sub-topics : Describing places according to physical characteristics, Geographical words: ocean, river, mountains, desert, etc. Begin vocabulary notebook. Strategy: Draw simple pictures of necessary words, river, mountain and label,Travel questions for teacher and students for listening practice
  3. Lifestyles: Grammar: Unit 5: Simple past, Unit 6: Past continuous, Unit 7-10: Present perfect continuous Sub-topics: Describing ways of living, both in Timor and elsewhere, Comparing lifestyles Strategy: Small groups determine how to communicate one aspect of Timorese culture to the whole group, skits, music etc. Students discuss conceptions of US culture, Discuss cultural icons from US who have influenced students
  4. Travel: Grammar: Unit 11: how long; Unit 12: for and since, Unit 13: present perfect and past Sub-topic: Maps, locations, directions, Understanding signs, expressions for directions, Asking for help, clarification, Describing tourist attractions to foreigners, nderstanding travel advice Strategy : Lecture, discussion, small group work, role plays
  5. Health: Grammar: Unit 16: have/have got, Unit 17: used to, Unit 18: present for future. Sub-topics: Describing physical symptoms: Health care places, Discussing medications, Exercise. Strategy: Lecture, large group discussion, drill games on medical terms, Physical exercise done in class and described.
  6. Food: Grammar: Unit 19: going to, Unit 20-21: will, Unit 22: will and going to; sub-topics: Timorese food, writing recipes, Comparing Timorese food with food in other countries, Nutrition: Food categories and meals. Strategy: Photos and real food brought in and discussed with preferences and cooking methods, Make a simple recipe in class
  7. Restaurants: Grammar: Unit 23: will be doing, will have done: Unit 24: when and if, Unit 25: can/could Sub-topics: Reading menus, Ordering in a restaurant, Expressing preferences, Reading and writing, restaurant reviews Strategy: Small groups write out sample menus from various cultural restaurants, Role playing ordering food with students as waiters etc., Look at reviews online and write a review of a restaurant in town
  8. Community Life: Jobs and professions Sub-topic: Character qualities important for various jobs, Media, sources of local information Strategy: Lecture, large group discussion, dictation on character, Role plays on media response to local events.
  9. Cross-Cultural Relations: Grammar: Unit 30: have to, must; Unit 31: should, Unit 32: subjunctive, Sub-topic: The International community, Nouns, adjectives used to describe relationships, Ways of interacting with foreigners. Strategy: Read article on Timor and relationship with Australia Large group discussion, Give small groups a problem to resolve regarding relationship, Each group presents their ideas
  10. Understanding Cultural Differences: Grammar: Unit 33: had better; Unit 34: would, Unit 35: requests, permission; Sub-topics: Ways of showing respect, taboo, Respecting cultural differences, Non-verbal communication, Important celebrations in other countries Lecture, role plays on showing cultural norms, taboos. Strategy: Write a paragraph on aspects of other cultures that are not helpful for Timor Leste
  11. Business Fundamentals: Grammar: Unit 36: if I do, if I did; Unit 37: If I knew, I wish I knew; Unit 38: If I had known, I wish I had known: Store categories, common products. Sub-topics: Words associated with business: sell, discount, return, refund, price, quality, Understanding money and payment. Strategy: Role plays with different situations occurring in a business, Large group discussion on role plays, Write a dialogue between an unhappy customer and clerk Read dialogue
  12. Business Fundamentals: Grammar: Unit 39: wish, Unit 40: is done, was done: Unit 41: be done, been done, being done. Sub topics: Business structures, Continue with dialogues between customer and clerk. Strategy: Read article on business ethics and write a paragraph in response, Share papers with class
  13. Employment/Work: Grammar: Unit 67-68 countable and uncountable nouns: Unit 69: countable nouns with a/an and some, Unit 70: A/an and the Types of employment. Sub-topics : The hiring process, Responsibilities of employee, employer, Role playing interviews. Strategy: Lecture on responsibilities of employee/employer, Short paper on employment, Peer editing, Share papers
  14. Future Plans: Grammar: Unit 80: myself, yourself, themselves: Unit 81: of mine, my own, by myself, Unit 83-85: some, any, none, many, few. Sub-topics : Aptitudes, capacity, training, Setting goals and priorities, Talking about possibilities, probabilities, and certainties, Educational systems. Strategy: Each student gives a short presentation on their future plans after teacher and student have reviewed their paperIn class writing and editing part of this process
  15. Review of subjects
  16. Final Exam: Which covers Reading, Listening, Writing, Grammar, Vocabulary

Final Grades

Your final grade in the course is based upon the total number of points you have earned. Final Grades will be assigned using the following scale:

Grading Scale: 97% - 100% of total points A+
90% - 96% of total points A
84% - 89% of total points A-
79% - 83% of total points B+
72% - 78% of total points B
67% - 71% of total points B-
62% - 66% of total points C+
54% - 61% of total points C
49% - 53% of total points C-
Bellow 48% of total points Fail